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Oil Painting

Women Walking to the Stars 1

A long time ago when I was a young college student, I was camping one night in the Catalina mountains  outside Tucson. I was asleep in my sleeping bag when I suddenly woke up and saw women walking past me, first one, then another and another. They were going to the top of the hill and stepping off into space. There was a spiral of women in the sky walking toward the stars.

I have painted this twice and I am still pondering what this vision could mean.

Women Walking to the stars 2


Women as Healers 

In 2019 I showed paintings that concentrated on women as healers. Several people asked me why there were no men in my work...
Because women have had little say in history about how they were pictured. Because women healers have been persecuted throughout history without thought as to the true source of their abilities. 
Because I will paint what I believe in, not what the world wants.

Compassion: The Earth Has Given Us Everything 

Burning in the Light

Saving the Lambs

In a catastrophe, what would I save?

It is past time that humans as a species think about all other life on this planet  as themselves. I cannot bear the torture and killing of animals any longer, so yes, I will save the lambs.

Finding Gramma in Heaven

The Story Behind This Painting


When I was a child, it snowed in downtown Tucson. It had never snowed there before. I had never seen snow, only in pictures in books.

This day I ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang, so I was outside in the playground all alone. I came to a skidding stop with snow blowing everywhere around me. I figured out what this was and then walked slowly to the corner. I had only worn a light sweater that day.

Standing there, I saw a figure through the swirling snow on the opposite corner.

It was Gramma! I ran towards her and she opened her big black coat with the shiny red lining, and wrapped me inside, leaving one button open so I could see where I was going. We walked all the way home like that without a missed step.

Gramma did not know how to show me love and affection, but she had walked all the way to the school, without proper shoes, and waited for me in the cold and the snow.

Rising of the Great Eastern Sun  For Tiko

I finished painting this a couple weeks before my beloved cat, Tiko, died of kitty Leukemia.

It was heart breaking then and still is.

I was very proud of my strength in capturing a stray cat that appeared lost, and finding her neighborhood owner. It turned out this cat was a carrier of the desease, and Tiko died from using the cat box that was put out for her.

But I feel that it was my false pride that killed him.


The Title: In Eastern philosophy, The Rising of the Great Eastern Sun refers to the raising of consciousness. I meant this for Tiko in his next incarnation, but now I see it is for me, too.

La Curandera  (Healer} 

In honor of women healers everywhere.


I knew women like this in theT ucson Barrio intimately. They were devoted to helping others,  using their knowledge of herbology and energy.

     In one hand she holds La Hierba Madre (Mother Herb); in the other hand is the Light of hands on healing.

In the background the world is red with fire, but her feet rest  on water.

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